


From the best peat bogs in the world

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Sudest Europe® selects and chooses for its customers only the best peat mosses. In the catalogue Peat Mosses and substrates are detailed a wide selection of high quality products coming from the most well known peat bogs in the world. Leaf through the catalogue Peat moss , Professional substrates , .


We promote alternative energy

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Research and dynamisms have always been Sudest Europe®‘s keywords as proved by the important innvovations we made within the promotion and development of different forms of, non polluting, alternatives energy like biomasses. Leaf through the catalogue Wood Pellets , Briquettes , Firewood , Firelighter products .



Improve the ground cultivability

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The Humus of animal origin is rich of nourishing elements whom improve any typology of ground, specifically those clayey notoriously heavy and those sandy whom own an high macro-porosity.


Taking nature as its

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Mulching products and weed ecology in the ground or pots. Leaf through the catalogue
 Pine bark , Volcanic Lapillis , Expanded Clay , Pumice e Other Products .